Topic: Principle 4. Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations

“World Autism Awareness,” by Laura Luna

We will learn about world Autism Awareness month from a person who has a son with autism. Hopefully, after the presentation, we will be more comfortable living and socializing with those who have autism.

“Building Bridges Across Diversities: Political Differences,” by The Rev. Melanie Morel-Ensminger

Service video BUILDING BRIDGES ACROSS DIVERSITIES: Summer Sermon Series, Part 2 of 4. UU congregations are made up of people holding a wide variety of religious beliefs. In fact, UUism draws from several different faith traditions and we affirm the acceptance and encouragement of diversity. We acknowledge that we need each other and our differences … Continue reading “Building Bridges Across Diversities: Political Differences,” by The Rev. Melanie Morel-Ensminger

“Building Bridges Across Diversities: Different Beliefs and Spiritualities,” by Rev. Melanie Morel-Ensminger

Service video BUILDING BRIDGES ACROSS DIVERSITIES Summer Sermon Series, Part 1 of 4 UU congregations are made up of people holding a wide variety of religious beliefs. In fact, UUism draws from several different faith traditions, and we affirm the acceptance and encouragement of diversity. We acknowledge that we need each other and our differences … Continue reading “Building Bridges Across Diversities: Different Beliefs and Spiritualities,” by Rev. Melanie Morel-Ensminger

“Getting Serious About Unitarian Universalism,” by Rev. Scott Alexander

Service Video How is arguing with a UU like mud wrestling with a pig? Eventually, you realize the pig likes it. NPR used to have a recurring segment, “UU joke of the day”. We like to portray ourselves in this lighthearted way because we think this should reflect the lack of strict structure which we … Continue reading “Getting Serious About Unitarian Universalism,” by Rev. Scott Alexander

“The Road Less Traveled: Discipline,” by Dr. Morgan Scott Peck

Service Video Life, even in 2021, can be difficult. The spiritual journey is one built on the pain of confronting difficult challenges. In short, discipline is the practice of confronting spiritual challenges. But what exactly is self-discipline, and how can we actually apply it? M. Scott Peck claims that there are four elements of discipline: … Continue reading “The Road Less Traveled: Discipline,” by Dr. Morgan Scott Peck

“A Course of Miracles and How it Relates to the UU Principles,” by Linda Van Voorhis

Service video Our principles are what guide us as UU’s. I have found many of the tenets of the Course in Miracles support the Principles in such a way that it has made my spiritual life easier to live. It has as well been a guide for understanding my own spiritual path and a direction … Continue reading “A Course of Miracles and How it Relates to the UU Principles,” by Linda Van Voorhis