Speaker: Tinka Friend

“Learning the Principles by Heart,” by Rev. Leslie Becknell Marx

Most UU’s generally know the 7 Principles of our faith “by heart”. What does knowing them “by heart” entail? We may know them by rote memory; some of us might even know how to recite them word for word. It is much more challenging to take these principles “to heart” and actively seek opportunities to … Continue reading “Learning the Principles by Heart,” by Rev. Leslie Becknell Marx

“Love In the Complicated Places – Pt 3,” by Nick Williams

This is the 3rd installment of “Love in the Complicated Places” given by Tinka Friend and Nick Williams. Following the 2nd installment which focused on failures they both experienced while working with students with disabilities, in this section Nick will speak about another experience in a high school in Norco. He was placed with a … Continue reading “Love In the Complicated Places – Pt 3,” by Nick Williams

“Is There a Place for Resurrection in the UU Faith?,” by Tinka Friend

Easter Sunday sermon is always a tough one for most UU ministers and lay leaders unless the UU congregation is predominantly Christian. The usual default is to focus on the Spring season, the Spring Equinox or Ostara. That has shown to be pretty safe topics, and no one is usually offended by those kinds of … Continue reading “Is There a Place for Resurrection in the UU Faith?,” by Tinka Friend

“The Promise of All Lives Mattering,” by Amanda Udis-Kessler

What does it mean to matter? How do you know you matter?  Today’s reading takes a hard look at systematic racism and how it affects all of us. Colorblindness is often well-intentioned, an attempt to see everyone as a human being and therefore as the same, without paying too much attention to race and other traits … Continue reading “The Promise of All Lives Mattering,” by Amanda Udis-Kessler

“BUILDING BRIDGES ACROSS DIVERSITIES: Crossing Over & Meeting Halfway,” by Rev. Melanie Morel-Ensminger

Service Video BUILDING BRIDGES ACROSS DIVERSITIES Summer Sermon Series, Part 4 of 4 To work our way through this ironic dilemma, during (this) month we have examined some particular kinds of difference that tend to cause problems both large and small in UU congregations – differences of theology and spirituality, differences of political stance, differences … Continue reading “BUILDING BRIDGES ACROSS DIVERSITIES: Crossing Over & Meeting Halfway,” by Rev. Melanie Morel-Ensminger