Universalist Unitarian Church of Riverside - 3525 Mission Inn Blvd, Riverside,
CA 92501 - (951) 686-6515
Speaker: Grace Preuss
Grace Preuss is a self-defined irealist who arrived at UUCR as the latest stop on her spiritual journey. She says she is in the process of sorting through her baggage along with her fellow passengers, and enjoys being a tourist on this planet. She works as a small business consultant, is the mother of a son, Alec, and is interested in the arts, especially literature and writing.
A practice is something you commit to doing on a regular basis. If you practice something with intention and commitment, it eventually becomes “second nature,” an intrinsic part of who you are. Today we will examine a way we can cultivate and practice gratitude in a manner that will enrich not only our lives, but … Continue reading “Practicing Gratitude,” by
At its core, freedom is about individual liberty. It’s the freedom to live life on your terms, as long as it doesn’t violate the rights of others. It’s the right to speak your mind, practice your faith, and live your values without fear of persecution. This includes respecting the freedom of others. True freedom requires … Continue reading “The Cost of Freedom,” by Rev Frank Clarkson
The INHERENT WORTH & VALUE OF EVERY PERSON means that our ultimate value comes with the simple fact of our being—it is tied to who we are, and not what we do. We can agree that work is good and healthy for human beings, but is our worth as human beings directly linked to the … Continue reading “Work and Rest: The Rhythm of our Lives,” by Rev. Catherine Bowers
In the series of essays, “The Ethics of Belief”, William Clifford questions our responsibility to our own beliefs. In our search for truth and meaning, we must be open to and seek out all possibilities and dedicate ourselves to truth. Clifford claims even more: that because of our responsibility to each other, it is wrong … Continue reading “The Ethics of Belief,” by William Clifford
As the writer William Faulkner wrote, “The past isn’t dead…it isn’t even past.” Our origin stories of personal memories, history, and experiences provide insight into who we are today. How can these stories help us in shaping the next chapters of our lives?
Service video Gratitude is one of the greatest gifts we can give to ourselves and to others. With gratitude, everything that we have is more than enough. Gratitude multiplies joy, expands possibilities, and inspires us to share with others. Today, we turn our attention to the transformative power of thankfulness for all the blessings that … Continue reading “Let Us Give Thanks ,” by Grace Preuss
Service video Our UU Principles encourage us to manifest respect for the inherent worth and dignity of each individual; to demonstrate equity and compassion in our relationships; and to accept one another in spiritual growth. In our faith communities, we strive to understand and accept those who may seem to have different perspectives from our … Continue reading “God Makes No Mistakes: Creating Beloved Community for All Our Children,” by Sally Patton
Service video It is no coincidence that the word “Thank” sounds like the word “Think.” Being thankful is an ACTIVE intention, a CONSCIOUS practice of focusing on what’s good in our lives and showing appreciation for the blessings (sometimes hidden) around us. Let’s take a moment to ask ourselves: What am I thankful for today?” … Continue reading “The Need for Thanksgiving,” by Rev. Joseph Boyd
Service video Our language is the reflection of ourselves…a reflection of the character, beliefs and values of the speaker. Language…It can be a tool used for good, and for not-so-good…it is a sharp tool…sharp in ways we aren’t even conscious of. Today’s reading deals with the language that frames the concept of “Disability.” As Unitarian … Continue reading “The Power of Language, the Language of Power,” Rev. Devorah Greenstein
Service video We are living in complicated times for families and particularly for youth. When family and social discord disrupts and threatens life, it is more than a social problem; it is a religious problem, one that calls people of faith to respond. Today we will contemplate how our faith can guide us in navigating … Continue reading “Family Stories,” by Rev Marjorie Bowens-Wheatley