Speaker: Pat Cawunder
Pat Cawunder.
Pat began her relationship with UUCR by attending Joann Anderson’s weekly
Tai Chi class in the Parish Hall beginning in 1985. In 1991, she joined a dream group of UUCR women that met weekly for about 20 years. In the mid-nineties she joined UUCR, and loved the community.
Pat has been Church Treasurer, and she has taught in Religious Education programs. She is currently a Board member, head of Women’s Federation, holds a weekly meditation group, and organizes the monthly Supper Club. Her education includes a BA and MS in Mathematics, and a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology. She worked as a licensed clinical psychologist at Patton State Hospital for 24 years and retired in 2009.
Music is a universal language of humanity that crosses borders and unites us all. Rev. Lortie reflects on how music, specifically jazz music, might teach us how to approach and resolve conflict in a new and constructive way. The Rev. Bret Lortie is senior minister of the Unitarian Church of Evanston, Illinois, and a chaplain … Continue reading “Music & Meditation: Resolving Conflict in a Warring World,” by Rev. Bret Lortie
Service video What does patriotism mean? What does love of country mean in today’s world — and what has it ever meant to you? What does “love of country” mean, and how will you find the words to express it, your own words to express your own sense of what it means to be a … Continue reading “Turquoise Patriot,” by Rev. Victoria Safford
Service video What does patriotism mean? What does love of country mean in today’s world — and what has it ever meant to you? What does “love of country” mean, and how will you find the words to express it, your own words to express your own sense of what it means to be a … Continue reading “Turquoise Patriot,” by Rev. Victoria Safford
Service Video This sermon was adapted from an article, published in UU World, the magazine of the Unitarian Universalist Association, which can be read online at uuworld.org. Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh is a global spiritual leader, poet and peace activist, revered around the world for his pioneering teachings on mindfulness, global ethics and peace: … Continue reading “Honoring Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh,” by Marianne Schnall
The research on the benefits of regular exercise is clear and unequivocal. Exercise makes you smarter, happier, kinder, sexier. (JUST KIDDING?) Tai chi’s a gentle form of exercise that helps people begin to add more exercise to their daily life. Dr. Patricia Cawunder learned Tai Chi in weekly meetings in our parish hall, and then … Continue reading “Tai Chi: An Easy Way to Exercise,” by Pat Cawunder
Many have told me they want to meditate because they believe the mass of research shows that meditation makes the brain work faster: more clarity, more focus. But when they try, many experience failure. I want to help by teaching you how to meditate.
Similar to a musical instrument, your bodies can fall out of harmony and potentially develop illness, affecting the mental, emotional and spiritual health. Stress, fear and negativity can cause blockages of the healthy flow of energy through the body and in the chakra centers. Quantum physics has proven that everything has vibration, whether it be … Continue reading Attuning the Body by Sound