Our UU Principles encourage us to manifest respect for the inherent worth and dignity of each individual; to demonstrate equity and compassion in our relationships; and to accept one another in spiritual growth. In our faith communities, we strive to understand and accept those who may seem to have different perspectives from our own. This includes children. All of our children, not just the ones some of us parent or the ones we happen to know, but all our children have volumes to teach us if we are willing to listen and learn. Welcoming all children into our faith communities is an act of radical hospitality.
Sally Patton, M.Ed., is a Unitarian Universalist who for over 45 years has advocated for children labeled as disabled. She is the author of several books including Don’t Fix Me; I’m Not Broken and Welcoming Children with Special Needs – A Guidebook for Faith Communities
Topics: Community, Togetherness, Families, Health, Youth