“Getting Serious About Unitarian Universalism,” by Rev. Scott Alexander

Service Video

How is arguing with a UU like mud wrestling with a pig?
Eventually, you realize the pig likes it.

NPR used to have a recurring segment, “UU joke of the day”. We like to portray ourselves in this lighthearted way because we think this should reflect the lack of strict structure which we love — that UUism isn’t a religion that needs to be taken “seriously”. However, when we also describe UUism as “laissez-faire spirituality”, it reflects a religion which is frivolous and empty. UUism demands challenge to the spirit and moral action as much as any other religion. UUism means accepting responsibility for the spiritual growth of ourselves and our community.

Rev. Scott Alexander is a third generation Unitarian Universalist, has a Master of Divinity from Starr King School for Ministry, and an undergraduate degree from Lawrence University. He has 48 years of experience in the UU ministry, since being ordained at the First Church of Houlton Maine, in 1974, where he began his ministry. Rev. Alexander travels widely within the Unitarian Universalist denomination, speaking, preaching, and offering in-depth workshops on a variety of congregational and faith-related subjects. Over the last 15 years, Rev. Alexander has completed five coast-to-coast (30 days…120 miles a day) charity bike rides (to support local non-profit agencies working to end local poverty and hunger).

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