Topic: Principle 3. A free and responsible search for truth and meaning

“Trials Yielding Triumphs,” by Karina Jacques

Everyone experiences failure at some point in their lives. Students encounter challenges they may not pass, athletes lose games, artists are rejected, and scientists conduct futile research. It is a crucial part of growth and learning, and analyzing our mistakes often provides critical insights that success often can’t. We’ll explore how failure impacts both individuals … Continue reading “Trials Yielding Triumphs,” by Karina Jacques

“Reducto Non Absurdum: Spring Cleaning the Soul,” by Bill Casey

Spring is the season our thoughts turn to cleaning, sorting and refreshing our surroundings. What will we keep? What will we discard? It can also be a good time to do some spiritual housekeeping—soul searching and examining our belief systems to see if they align with our values and purpose in life.

“Building Bridges Across Diversities: Different Beliefs and Spiritualities,” by Rev. Melanie Morel-Ensminger

Service video BUILDING BRIDGES ACROSS DIVERSITIES Summer Sermon Series, Part 1 of 4 UU congregations are made up of people holding a wide variety of religious beliefs. In fact, UUism draws from several different faith traditions, and we affirm the acceptance and encouragement of diversity. We acknowledge that we need each other and our differences … Continue reading “Building Bridges Across Diversities: Different Beliefs and Spiritualities,” by Rev. Melanie Morel-Ensminger

“Holding Fast,” by Rev. Kelly Weisman Asprooth-Jackson

Service video We have all heard the phrase “The only constant in life is change.” Times change, perspectives change, relationships change. In the midst of these shifting references, is it possible for some things to remain authentic and true? In today’s sermon, Rev Kelly writes “A tree needs roots; and it also needs branches.” What … Continue reading “Holding Fast,” by Rev. Kelly Weisman Asprooth-Jackson

“Fixing the Flat Tires on the Wheel of the Year,” by Bill Casey

Service video The winter solstice is a celebration of the sun. The cycle of nature inspired the cycle of holiday observations honoring the symbolism of fire and light; along with life, death, the rising sun, and the moon. In turn, we follow the cycle of the year. The question is, are we just running around … Continue reading “Fixing the Flat Tires on the Wheel of the Year,” by Bill Casey

“Fuzzy Questions, Fuzzy Answers,” by the Rev. Dr. Bruce Clark Clear

Service video Do we view life as black & white or as varying shades of gray? Have our experiences taught us that most things in life are absolute or ambiguous? Or something in between? In today’s reading, written by Bruce Clear, we will consider the concept of “fuzziness” and how it relates to UU values … Continue reading “Fuzzy Questions, Fuzzy Answers,” by the Rev. Dr. Bruce Clark Clear

“Getting Serious About Unitarian Universalism,” by Rev. Scott Alexander

Service Video How is arguing with a UU like mud wrestling with a pig? Eventually, you realize the pig likes it. NPR used to have a recurring segment, “UU joke of the day”. We like to portray ourselves in this lighthearted way because we think this should reflect the lack of strict structure which we … Continue reading “Getting Serious About Unitarian Universalism,” by Rev. Scott Alexander