Universalist Unitarian Church of Riverside - 3525 Mission Inn Blvd, Riverside,
CA 92501 - (951) 686-6515
Speaker: Bill Casey
Bill Casey tries to draw from a number of theistic and philosophical points of view. While this does not always produce an orderly methodology, he takes comfort in the patchwork utility it tends to provide. Bill notes with amusement, “If only brevity were included.” Originally from Colorado, Bill lives a short distance from UUCR. He has been a member of UUCR for some years now and has been active in the choir and Worship Committee.
In these times of polarization and unrest, we may find new perspectives and wisdom by examining different philosophies and belief traditions. The Vinegar Tasters is a parable highlighting three Eastern schools of thought: Confusianism, Buddhism and Taoism.
How do we deal with spiritual pain and better ourselves? The answer: we can transform our personal pain into large-scale social action and social justice. In picking to fight for causes that we care about personally, we can better ourselves and our community.
Hegel’s philosophy can be described as the interplay of thesis, anti-thesis, and synthesis. Once we have decided when and where our energy is, we can arrange our architecture and radiate our forces outward… But forces will inevitably be met with counterforces. Here is how we can build architecture to come to the compromises that may … Continue reading “Engineering the Soul with Crayons,” by Bill Casey
Spring is the season our thoughts turn to cleaning, sorting and refreshing our surroundings. What will we keep? What will we discard? It can also be a good time to do some spiritual housekeeping—soul searching and examining our belief systems to see if they align with our values and purpose in life.
Service video Though times and eras may change, it may be said that “there is nothing new under the sun.” As humans, we continue to wrestle with the same basic questions of personal freedom, individual responsibility and deliberate choice. How can we, as UU’s, identify the issues and stand up for our values in our … Continue reading “Countering the Old Arguments with Love,” by Bill Casey
What do Unitarian Universalists (UUs) believe? Many UUs find it difficult to answer. Rev. Fred Small explores our beliefs & convictions. He concludes: when someone asks what UUs believe, why we’re speaking out on behalf of rights, or why we bother to go to church on Sunday, just tell them: We are siding with love.
Service Video Humans tend to seek perfection—good luck with that! Now that we have accepted that we live in an imperfect world, we can contemplate imperfect solutions to the challenges we all face. Duct tape has a light side and a dark side, and it holds the universe together. We spend a lot of time … Continue reading “Spiritual Duct Tape,” by Bill Casey
Service video The INHERENT WORTH & VALUE OF EVERY PERSON means that our ultimate value comes with the simple fact of our being—it is tied to who we are, and not what we do. We can agree that work is good and healthy for human beings, but is our worth as human beings directly linked … Continue reading “Work & Rest: The Rhythm of Our Lives,” by Rev. Catherine M. Bowers
Service video The winter solstice is a celebration of the sun. The cycle of nature inspired the cycle of holiday observations honoring the symbolism of fire and light; along with life, death, the rising sun, and the moon. In turn, we follow the cycle of the year. The question is, are we just running around … Continue reading “Fixing the Flat Tires on the Wheel of the Year,” by Bill Casey
Service Video This being NFL season, I am tying my interest in football to some of the values found in the 7 principles. Two of the concepts I’d like to introduce are TRACTION and the PIVOT. How do these ideas manifest in practice of our 7 principles? How can we make a successful pass, accomplish … Continue reading “Tightening the Cleats,” by Bill Casey