Topic: UU Principles

“Learning the Principles by Heart,” by Rev. Leslie Becknell Marx

Most UU’s generally know the 7 Principles of our faith “by heart”. What does knowing them “by heart” entail? We may know them by rote memory; some of us might even know how to recite them word for word. It is much more challenging to take these principles “to heart” and actively seek opportunities to … Continue reading “Learning the Principles by Heart,” by Rev. Leslie Becknell Marx

“Love at the Center,” by Adam Wedeking

In this sermon, we explore the revised Article II of the Unitarian Universalist Association, which places Love at the center of our shared values. For Adam, this Love represents God or the Divine, the force that connects and transforms us. Through the values of Justice, Equity, Generosity, Interdependence, Pluralism, and Transformation, we are called to … Continue reading “Love at the Center,” by Adam Wedeking

“Love In the Complicated Places – Pt 3,” by Nick Williams

This is the 3rd installment of “Love in the Complicated Places” given by Tinka Friend and Nick Williams. Following the 2nd installment which focused on failures they both experienced while working with students with disabilities, in this section Nick will speak about another experience in a high school in Norco. He was placed with a … Continue reading “Love In the Complicated Places – Pt 3,” by Nick Williams

“Trials Yielding Triumphs,” by Karina Jacques

Everyone experiences failure at some point in their lives. Students encounter challenges they may not pass, athletes lose games, artists are rejected, and scientists conduct futile research. It is a crucial part of growth and learning, and analyzing our mistakes often provides critical insights that success often can’t. We’ll explore how failure impacts both individuals … Continue reading “Trials Yielding Triumphs,” by Karina Jacques

“Peace for Palestine,” by Riverside for Palestine

The destructive impact of war affects our entire human society: Loss of life, disruption of any sense of security; destruction of cities and the environment, and immeasurable human suffering.The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is an ongoing conflict over land and self-determination. About 10 months have passed since the latest “official” war between Palestine and Israel began on … Continue reading “Peace for Palestine,” by Riverside for Palestine