Topic: Sources of UUism
“Building Bridges Across Diversities: Different Beliefs and Spiritualities,” by Rev. Melanie Morel-Ensminger
Service video BUILDING BRIDGES ACROSS DIVERSITIES Summer Sermon Series, Part 1 of 4 UU congregations are made up of people holding a wide variety of religious beliefs. In fact, UUism draws from several different faith traditions, and we affirm the acceptance and encouragement of diversity. We acknowledge that we need each other and our differences … Continue reading “Building Bridges Across Diversities: Different Beliefs and Spiritualities,” by Rev. Melanie Morel-Ensminger
Sunday Morning worship from the 2023 Unitarian Universalist General Assembly
The Rev. Manish Mishra-Marzetti, Senior Minister of the First UU Congregation of Ann Arbor, MI, will lead the 2023 Sunday Service at GA. Born and raised in Pittsburgh, Rev. Manish Mishra-Marzetti serves as Senior Minister of the First Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Ann Arbor, Michigan. He is a co-editor of “Conversations with the Sacred: A … Continue reading Sunday Morning worship from the 2023 Unitarian Universalist General Assembly
“The Christian in Me,” by Rev. Dr. Bruce Clark Clear
Service video Today’s sermon reading, “The Christian in Me,” is the last, in a series of explorations of three different belief systems found within UU churches, written by Rev. Dr. Bruce Clear. Even though we may not call ourselves, individually, Christian, our denomination has grown from the Christian tradition. The largest majority of UU church … Continue reading “The Christian in Me,” by Rev. Dr. Bruce Clark Clear
“Aesthetics and Morals: Making Poetic Principles,” by Alec Peck
Service video We generally think of our personal choices as be either aesthetic or moral choices: Do I wear blue or green today? Do I donate my dollar to the children’s hospital or the homeless shelter? We think of the appeals to what is “good” morally and what is “good” artistically as being independent: A … Continue reading “Aesthetics and Morals: Making Poetic Principles,” by Alec Peck
“Water Communion,” by Alec Peck
Service video The Water Communion is one of only a few UU traditions which has been celebrated for forty years. After the hot summer, we share some of the water, the source of life, we have saved from our journeys this year. We combine our waters here in the desert as a symbol of our … Continue reading “Water Communion,” by Alec Peck
“Why Are We Here (At Church)?,” by Alec Peck
Service Video UUs all believe in different Gods, and sometimes no Gods at all. UUs aren’t required to do certain rituals or practices, except the ones which speak to their spirit. UUs demand we take personal and communal responsibility for spiritual growth, not look to a church authority for our Salvation. So… what exactly do … Continue reading “Why Are We Here (At Church)?,” by Alec Peck
“Getting Serious About Unitarian Universalism,” by Rev. Scott Alexander
Service Video How is arguing with a UU like mud wrestling with a pig? Eventually, you realize the pig likes it. NPR used to have a recurring segment, “UU joke of the day”. We like to portray ourselves in this lighthearted way because we think this should reflect the lack of strict structure which we … Continue reading “Getting Serious About Unitarian Universalism,” by Rev. Scott Alexander
“The Five Jagged Rocks of UUism,” by Kari Gottfried
What is the bedrock that the UU faith is based on? The Reverends Nancy Bowen and Mike Morran created the Five Jagged Rocks to recognize “a faith that is dangerous and not always smooth-going.” UUs embrace a belief system that can seem rough around the edges.