Topic: Spiritual Journey

“Imbolc: A Celebration of Returning Light,” by Kasey Davis

Imbolc, usually observed on February 1 or 2, is the second festival in the Wheel of the Year. It has its roots in the Celtic world and is heavily associated with the goddess Brigid, an ancient Celtic goddess of home, agriculture, spring, dawn, and fertility. Imbolc encompasses connections to land, community, and the self. Imbolc … Continue reading “Imbolc: A Celebration of Returning Light,” by Kasey Davis

“Learning the Principles by Heart,” by Rev. Leslie Becknell Marx

Most UU’s generally know the 7 Principles of our faith “by heart”. What does knowing them “by heart” entail? We may know them by rote memory; some of us might even know how to recite them word for word. It is much more challenging to take these principles “to heart” and actively seek opportunities to … Continue reading “Learning the Principles by Heart,” by Rev. Leslie Becknell Marx

“Yuletide Celebration,” by members of the congregation

Yule is an ancient pagan holiday that celebrates the winter solstice and the return of light and warmth. The word “Yule” comes from the old Norse word for “wheel”, which symbolizes fresh starts and the cyclical nature of the planet. It’s a perfect time for reflection as we look forward to the new year.

“Three Vinegar Drinkers Parable,” by Bill Casey

In these times of polarization and unrest, we may find new perspectives and wisdom by examining different philosophies and belief traditions. The Vinegar Tasters is a parable highlighting three Eastern schools of thought: Confusianism, Buddhism and Taoism.

“Hope requires Action,” by Dr. Margaret Johnston

When our lives or our society aren’t going in the direction we want them to, we can feel frustrated and powerless. Feelings of hope may seem trite or misguided, or may seem useless when given no clear outlet. But, perhaps there is more to hope than just the feeling.

“Universalism: The Other Half of UU: Part 2,” by Dr. Lee F. Greer

Two old UUs, Lee Greer and Steve Lawless, conspire together to summarize Unitarian Universalism in a song with stanza lyrics by both!On introducing Unitarian UniversalismOn Enlightenment LiberalismOn Science & ReligionOn Sticking Up for the Underdog!On War & PeaceOn Christian UniversalismOn Unitarianism & DivinityOn our little red sandstone church in Riverside.