“What Are You Waiting for?” by Tinka Friend
Stewardship Sermon: Why do you [we] pledge?
Stewardship Sermon: Why do you [we] pledge?
Peace is born from the shadowy room. Peace is born from tension. Let us not be neutral, but instead wrestle with the tensions that give birth to peace. Susan Maginn (she/her) is a U.S. Navy chaplain currently serving the Marines in California.
Service video The Water Communion, also sometimes called Water Ceremony, was first used at a Unitarian Universalist (UU) worship service in the 1980s. Many UU congregations now hold a Water Communion once a year, often at the beginning of the new church year (September). Members bring to the service a small amount of water from … Continue reading “Ingathering (Water Communion),” by Alec Peck
Service video How do we define wealth? Does it consist in how much we are able to accumulate and possess? Or is wealth better measured by how much we feel we can afford to share? How does this translate into our participation in the UU community? If our connection to our liberal faith is to … Continue reading “Who Wants To Be a Millionaire?,” by Rev. Gary Kowalski
Service video Article II of the Unitarian Universalist Association Bylaws, Principles and Purposes is the foundation for all the work of the UUA and its member congregations and covenanted communities. It is the covenant between UUs to affirm and promote our seven principles and six sources, but it hasn’t always been phrased the way it … Continue reading “Unitarian Universalist General Assembly 2023: New Proposed Covenant and Principles,” by Alec Peck
Service video Rev Leach focused this sermon on the principle that we are all part of an interdependent Web of Life, and he reflects on the ways this web of life is important, not only to the survival of our church and the world through pledging, but also the joys that can come from doing … Continue reading “…the infinite enlargement of the heart…,” by The Reverend James C. Leach
Service video We are entering a new year, and our country seems as divided as ever. The last few years have taken their toll, and the environment is critically endangered. Our church, like many small churches, is struggling to survive. How can anyone still be optimistic? It’s a doable challenge! Bonnie McFarland said she first … Continue reading “2023: An Optimist’s Update,” by Bonnie McFarland