“2023: An Optimist’s Update,” by Bonnie McFarland

Service video

We are entering a new year, and our country seems as divided as ever. The last few years have taken their toll, and the environment is critically endangered. Our church, like many small churches, is struggling to survive. How can anyone still be optimistic? It’s a doable challenge!

Bonnie McFarland said she first attended a UU church when she was 20 years old, and knew she was “home.” She became a member of UUCR in 1996, soon after moving to Riverside, and has been active in the Social Justice Committee from the beginning. Bonnie said that after retirement as a clinical psychologist, she quickly found she was busier than ever with her church family (something she never anticipated), with small animal rescue, and with active community participation in ways that address her many years of “just griping about the social and political ills of the world.”

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