Topic: Spiritual Beliefs

“Samhain: Preparing for Renewal,” by Sonya Murray

Autumn is a season for reflection and transition… as we leave the lighter half of the year (summer) and enter the darker half (winter). It is a time to harvest before the winter and to wait for the next cycle of renewal to begin as the wheel of the year turns once again.

“How would ‘god’ Manifest: A Rational Approach,” by Alec Peck

UUism is built on many religious traditions which describe some specific theology, like the Judeo-Christian God or Buddhist Nirvana; However, most UUs do not find any specific representation of god to be very convincing, and many identify as atheist or agnostic. UUism instructs us to “heed the guidance of reason” in our spiritual journey for … Continue reading “How would ‘god’ Manifest: A Rational Approach,” by Alec Peck

“Care of the Soul,” by Rev. Dr. Wayne Arnason

Service video Our experience of joy at connectedness, of anger at injustices, and of wonder at overwhelming beauty, can be described wordless and ineffable. Perhaps soul is the place where all these experiences meet together with our ideas and our collective unconscious in order to prepare the spiritual feast that is life’s greatest gift. Wayne … Continue reading “Care of the Soul,” by Rev. Dr. Wayne Arnason

“Building Bridges Across Diversities: Different Beliefs and Spiritualities,” by Rev. Melanie Morel-Ensminger

Service video BUILDING BRIDGES ACROSS DIVERSITIES Summer Sermon Series, Part 1 of 4 UU congregations are made up of people holding a wide variety of religious beliefs. In fact, UUism draws from several different faith traditions, and we affirm the acceptance and encouragement of diversity. We acknowledge that we need each other and our differences … Continue reading “Building Bridges Across Diversities: Different Beliefs and Spiritualities,” by Rev. Melanie Morel-Ensminger

“Fuzzy Questions, Fuzzy Answers,” by the Rev. Dr. Bruce Clark Clear

Service video Do we view life as black & white or as varying shades of gray? Have our experiences taught us that most things in life are absolute or ambiguous? Or something in between? In today’s reading, written by Bruce Clear, we will consider the concept of “fuzziness” and how it relates to UU values … Continue reading “Fuzzy Questions, Fuzzy Answers,” by the Rev. Dr. Bruce Clark Clear