Topic: Dismantle oppressions, systemic and personal

“Peace for Palestine,” by Riverside for Palestine

The destructive impact of war affects our entire human society: Loss of life, disruption of any sense of security; destruction of cities and the environment, and immeasurable human suffering.The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is an ongoing conflict over land and self-determination. About 10 months have passed since the latest “official” war between Palestine and Israel began on … Continue reading “Peace for Palestine,” by Riverside for Palestine

“The Diagnostics of Pain,” Bill Casey

How do we deal with spiritual pain and better ourselves? The answer: we can transform our personal pain into large-scale social action and social justice. In picking to fight for causes that we care about personally, we can better ourselves and our community.

“The Maravillas: Gangs, Aging, and Mattering in East Los Angeles,” by Dr. Randol Contreras

Dr. Randol Contreras spent close to a decade studying the legendary Maravilla gangs of East Los Angeles. Once celebrated in the gang world as rebels who defied the established inmate prison order, veterano Maravilla gang members now grapple with the consequences of leading violent lives. This talk sheds light on how these aging men struggle … Continue reading “The Maravillas: Gangs, Aging, and Mattering in East Los Angeles,” by Dr. Randol Contreras

“The Call for Dismantling Racism,” by Rev. William Heller, MDIV, MBA

Service video UUA’s Principle 8: the call to support the dismantling of racism. The call has gone out, and the UUA communities have answered. Principle 8, in its developmental stage, demonstrates an awareness and a growing commitment to address dismantling racism. Your mission of spiritual wholeness calls for your inward inquiry–your discovering your perspective racism. … Continue reading “The Call for Dismantling Racism,” by Rev. William Heller, MDIV, MBA

“Two Friends, Three Cousins, One Poem: Anti-Asian Hate,” by Dr. Deborah Wong

Service Video Asian American responses to anti-Asian hate range from silence to flight, self-defense, and organizing. Dr. Deborah Wong reflects on the recent surge of anti-Asian violence in the US by sharing what my friends and family have said to me when we are in spaces of Asian American safety, and I will show how … Continue reading “Two Friends, Three Cousins, One Poem: Anti-Asian Hate,” by Dr. Deborah Wong

“White Supremacy and Beloved Community,” by Amanda Udis-Kessler

Service Video Unitarian Universalism is currently taking a profoundly important step in committing to work as an entire body, a Beloved Community, against white supremacy. In order to make this commitment as effective as possible, it is important to reflect on the internal struggle that we who are white may undergo as we come to … Continue reading “White Supremacy and Beloved Community,” by Amanda Udis-Kessler

“A Course of Miracles and How it Relates to the UU Principles,” by Linda Van Voorhis

Service video Our principles are what guide us as UU’s. I have found many of the tenets of the Course in Miracles support the Principles in such a way that it has made my spiritual life easier to live. It has as well been a guide for understanding my own spiritual path and a direction … Continue reading “A Course of Miracles and How it Relates to the UU Principles,” by Linda Van Voorhis