“Lessons from Star Trek,” by Alec Peck

In 1966, Gene Roddenberry’s vision of the future came to life in the western-in-space, Star Trek. Roddenberry showed us an optimistic future: humanity’s internal problems, including racism, poverty, and violence have been solved, and the morality of humans is tested in the wilderness of space.

Starfleet and the Starfleet officers in the series serve as moral paragons in a future where humanity has become the best it can be.  The ideals of Star Trek are built on the inherent rights of all sentient beings, protection of those who are vulnerable, and the power of societal connection and diplomacy.  Star Trek’s version of the future speaks directly to the UU vision for ourselves and our society, and the world of Star Trek is a view into a future dedicated to UU morality.

Alec Peck has been a practicing UU for 23 years, and has a deep passion for the intellectual and spiritual challenges of exploring the six sources of our living tradition. He was raised in a UU church, chosen by his father, raised Quaker, and mother, raised Jewish (though both Humanist in praxis).

Alec has studied natural science at Creighton University, a Jesuit institution and is now completing his Ph.D. at UC Riverside and is the chair of the Worship Committee here in the Church. Alec grew up watching Star Trek: The Next Generation and Voyager and other iconic sci-fi media which reflect human values in a unique way.

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