Topic: Morality

“The Promise of All Lives Mattering,” by Amanda Udis-Kessler

What does it mean to matter? How do you know you matter?  Today’s reading takes a hard look at systematic racism and how it affects all of us. Colorblindness is often well-intentioned, an attempt to see everyone as a human being and therefore as the same, without paying too much attention to race and other traits … Continue reading “The Promise of All Lives Mattering,” by Amanda Udis-Kessler

“Countering the Old Arguments with Love,” by Bill Casey

Service video Though times and eras may change, it may be said that “there is nothing new under the sun.” As humans, we continue to wrestle with the same basic questions of personal freedom, individual responsibility and deliberate choice. How can we, as UU’s, identify the issues and stand up for our values in our … Continue reading “Countering the Old Arguments with Love,” by Bill Casey

“Siding With Love,” by Rev. Fred Small

What do Unitarian Universalists (UUs) believe? Many UUs find it difficult to answer. Rev. Fred Small explores our beliefs & convictions. He concludes: when someone asks what UUs believe, why we’re speaking out on behalf of rights, or why we bother to go to church on Sunday, just tell them: We are siding with love.

“Olympia Brown (A Portrayal by Rev. Dr. Janet H. Bowering)

Service video Olympia Brown (1835-1926) dedicated her life to opening doors for women. Among only a handful of women to graduate from college, she received her Bachelor of Arts degree from Antioch in 1860 and three years later became the first woman graduate of a regularly established theological school at St. Lawrence University. She was … Continue reading “Olympia Brown (A Portrayal by Rev. Dr. Janet H. Bowering)

“The Call for Dismantling Racism,” by Rev. William Heller, MDIV, MBA

Service video UUA’s Principle 8: the call to support the dismantling of racism. The call has gone out, and the UUA communities have answered. Principle 8, in its developmental stage, demonstrates an awareness and a growing commitment to address dismantling racism. Your mission of spiritual wholeness calls for your inward inquiry–your discovering your perspective racism. … Continue reading “The Call for Dismantling Racism,” by Rev. William Heller, MDIV, MBA