Speaker: Michael Eselun

Michael Eselun, a Board Certified Chaplain, serves as the chaplain for the
Simms/Mann-UCLA Center for Integrative Oncology. He speaks extensively
to doctors, nurses, social workers, patient populations and faith communities
across the country about his work. He has also been an active educator and
activist, addressing anti-LGBT bias for well over 25 years. He has a TED
talk and has been published widely in journals and periodicals. You can find
out more at www.MichaelEselun.com.

He will have 4 volumes of CD’s available for purchase after the service—each
including 3 of his talks. Volume 4 is brand new!

Restringing the Beads

Popular guest speaker and UCLA oncology chaplain Michael Eselun visits our congregation. Using a few of the stories of the patients he has served, as well as some deeply personal ones of his own, Michael will explore our relationship to the narrative of our own lives, and how we use those stories in the attempt … Continue reading Restringing the Beads