Speaker: Joan DeArtemis

Joan DeArtemis has once again become a frequent guest speaker at UUCR thanks to the magic of Zoom. Joan currently resides in Massachusetts where she is a Candidate for Ministry, an Intern, & a Summer Minister at UU Wellesley Hills.

Joan holds a BA in Religion & Society from Syracuse University, a Master of Divinity from Claremont School of Theology, and she completed a Chaplain Residency at the Yuma Regional Medical Center in Arizona.

When not practicing her craft of ministry, Joan spends time with Cathy, her spouse and partner of 27 years, and Finley, their new adorable puppy. Joan, Cathy & Finley live in Worcester (pronounced wUUstah) Massachusetts, the city that was the birthplace of both the birth control pill, and the Smiley Face!

“A New Understanding of Father’s Day,” by Rev. Joan DeArtemis

No one can deny it… the world is changing rapidly. This is a time of extreme alterations in the very foundation of our culture. Recognized institutions may either disappear or be born afresh, in a new form. The good qualities of our society are under stress and our personal human rights sometimes feel like they … Continue reading “A New Understanding of Father’s Day,” by Rev. Joan DeArtemis

Up Against the Wall

On May 9th, the CDC indicated that the U.S. may be “turning a corner” in regard to the pandemic. While that is a good thing, that does not necessarily mean that the stress is over. Some of us are unemployed… will our unemployment run out? Some of have car registrations that are past due on … Continue reading Up Against the Wall

Persephone Returns!

In Greek Mythology, Persephone is the personification of vegetation who becomes Queen of the Underworld when she is abducted by Hades. The Spring Equinox is the celebration of Persephone’s return to the world of the living. What a great metaphor to describe where we are right now! COVID-19 has made us all, to some degree, … Continue reading Persephone Returns!

The Courage to Face Our Weakness

Starting in the 16th century, masses of African people were abducted, subjugated, and transported across the Atlantic Ocean to the Americas under horrendous circumstances. Almost two million individuals perished during the excruciating voyage. For more than 200 years, the dependence on Black people in the United States generated prosperity, opportunity, and wealth for white Americans. … Continue reading The Courage to Face Our Weakness

Acting on First Impressions and Why You Shouldn’t

Humans are constructed to size each other up rapidly. Our primary impressions of others are often influenced by several stimuli, such as facial form, spoken modulation, appeal, and over-all emotional state. We are inclined to become devoted to these early imprints and find it very hard to change our view, even when presented with lots … Continue reading Acting on First Impressions and Why You Shouldn’t