Speaker: Rev. Dr. Michael Boblett

The Rev. Dr. Michael Boblett, M.A., M.Div., D.Min., has been called UUCR’s “youngest member of the Old Guard.” A neighbor and friend of our then minister Rev. Ray Manker and his family in the ‘50s, he was a member of our youth group in the tumultuous ‘60s, and later returned to serve as our Interim Minister (1985-86). In addition to his years of ministerial work, Michael lived in Israel, 1974-75, and studied Shamanism with Michael Harner, author of The Way of the Shaman, in the early 1990s. Michael is now retired from the UU Ministry and lives in San Diego where he practices as a certified Advanced Rolfer® and Rolf Movement Practitioner.

“LGBT Rights: We Will Not Go Back!,” by Rev. Dr. Michael Boblett

Service Video These are frightening times. What we are seeing and hearing – who could have foreseen it? There were warnings, but they went mostly unheard. So I have two messages that may seem contradictory. First: please do not be naïve. Second: please do not despair. Naïveté and despair have this in common: they prevent … Continue reading “LGBT Rights: We Will Not Go Back!,” by Rev. Dr. Michael Boblett

Stonewall and the Future: What the Rainbow Truly Promises

The LGBTQA Movement has achieved remarkable success since the Stonewall Riots – things I barely imagined in 1969. Now we face our greatest threat in my lifetime. Let’s take a moment to review our strategies, but also our deepest strengths. Whatever our place in the rainbow, there’s more in store!