Speaker: Cathy Nicles

Cathy Nicles is no stranger to UUCR. She is usually with us in a supportive role, as the other half of “Joan and Cathy,” but today she is the one behind the pulpit.
Cathy holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Art and Music History from Syracuse University and a Masters of Public Administration / Urban and Community Planning. She is currently living in Worcester, Massachusetts with Joan DeArtemis, her partner of 27 years.

A Smile From a Stranger

This presentation continues to explore Compassion. The title refers to a personal experience that made me think about how incredibly important micro gestures of compassion can be. They are actions we can incorporate into our daily lives. On the macro level is the incorporation of compassion into systems.

“The String

When the string is too loose, it will not play, and when the string is too tight, it SNAPS. Is your “string” too loose or too tight? How can we be “in tune” so that we can be healthy and play well with others?”  The sermon explores this Buddhist teaching to bring harmony into our … Continue reading “The String

“Invitation to a Tree House,” by Cathy Nicles

Service video Cathy Nicles explained that Invitation to a Treehouse is an exploration of compassion through the retelling of a personal experience: An act of generosity and an expression of compassion shown to her from a source most people would consider people unlikely.So, what is compassion? What do sage minds say about compassion? Why is … Continue reading “Invitation to a Tree House,” by Cathy Nicles