A Way Out Of No Way: Black Women And Black Religion

In her poem, “A Litany for Survival,” Audre Lorde famously said “we were never meant to survive” — and yet we did. How? How did Black people and Black women, in particular, survive the seemingly unsurvivable? Mass kidnappings to a new (to them) world, slavery, Reconstruction, Jim Crow, the Civil Rights Movement, BLM and #SayHerName. Womanist theologian Delores Williams says Black women “made a way out of no way” with faith, hope, and religion. Black faith is resilient, resistant, militant, strong, and deeply critical of itself and the definitions and conclusions others try to impose upon it. It will only be defined by those who live it. In this service, we will look at the history of Black women and Black faith in America and offer communion to the ancestors of our past, present, and future whose blood, sweat, and tears soak, built and continue to build this country. Jesus was only one of many crucified. Come join us this Sunday as we pour one out for the homies.