“Radical Hospitality,” by Rev. Dr. Marilyn Sewell

Service video

What is radical hospitality? How do we practice it, and what does it look like? Human beings have a built-in tribalism that needs to be challenged consciously and intentionally. A congregation committed to radical hospitality would go beyond seeking out others like themselves and open its heart to accept all who seek a spiritual home and community. Today we will examine how we can make hospitality a part of our spiritual practice.

The Rev. Dr. Marilyn Sewell is minister emerita of the First Unitarian Church in Portland, Oregon, where she served for 17 years before her retirement in 2009. She is the editor of four Beacon Press anthologies, including the award-winning “Cries of the Spirit.” She is the subject of a documentary film, “Raw Faith,” directed by Peter Wiedensmith, which won the PBS Human Spirit Award at its premiere at the Nashville Film Festival in 2010.

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