“Sharing Miracles Through Human Relations,” by Tanya Flores & Daisy Valdovinos

Project CHELA (Children Helping Each Other Learn & Achieve) Sow & Grow Education is an innovative 501 C-3 non-profit organization that has served at-risk communities in southern California for 18 years. 50% of CHELA children have special needs. Based in Chino, Project CHELA Sow & Grow works with regional center services, faith-based and other outreach organizations to provide unique training programs and seminars to those in need.

Tanya Flores is one of the founders of Project C.H.E.L.A. Sow & Grow. Tanya was born in the Midwest, where she discovered a great passion for helping homeless communities. CHELA grew out of a vision that Tanya had in her childhood. She created a story around a character named Lekanyakan, who was a protector of children. In her imaginary world, CHELA filled her with HOPE. Tanya has always believed infants, children, and teens require love for a lifetime. It was as a child searching for comfort, compassion and love that she learned to heal.

As an adult, Tanya received an MSW, Masters of Social Work. Her personal life history, service in the foster care system, children, and hospice influenced the Project CHELA program and the methods they use today. Tanya is now a mother of four, grandmother of 6 with one on the way, and caregiver to three dogs. Her hobbies are giving back to at-risk populations, writing children’s stories, producing commercials, sustainable gardening and developing migratory communities for the future.

Daisy Valdovinos is an Holistic Developmental Specialist (B.A. CIIT). Daisy’s life purpose is to catalyze a cultural transformation that will champion the cause of caregiving and teaching processes that heal and facilitate higher levels of social, emotional and creative thinking. Daisy’s greatest inspiration is her 12 year-old daughter, Afrikaah, and the families she serves. She enjoys expressing herself through music, movement and writing.

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