“The Courage To Covenant,” by Rev. Kimberley Debus”

UUism is a faith bound by covenant. This agreement we make for what kind of church we want — what kind of community we want — has power only because we all agree with it and believe in its realization. This agreement with our neighbors and with the Gods is one we make for ourselves.

The power of our covenant is made by our community. Whether in a small group, a congregation, a denomination, or the large, beloved community, to covenant requires us to be accountable and responsible, to negotiate and compromise.

Rev. Kimberley Debus is a community minister based in Takoma Park, Maryland, inspiring an artful and art-filled faith. Describing herself, she says, ” I am many things at many times…
Professionally: a writer, editor, singer, actor, director, designer, muse, and minister. Having served in a congregation, I am now a community minister, working with congregations in the area of arts and worship.
Personally: a queer, cis-gendered woman who loves art, theatre, film, books, television, music.
Spiritually: a seeker, a journeyer, a radical Universalist with process tendencies, and in the true “wrestles with God” meaning, a Daughter of Israel. My home is Unitarian Universalism.
Mentally: I am a deep thinker, a minister, a chanteuse.

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