Topic: Emotional Health

“Trials Yielding Triumphs,” by Karina Jacques

Everyone experiences failure at some point in their lives. Students encounter challenges they may not pass, athletes lose games, artists are rejected, and scientists conduct futile research. It is a crucial part of growth and learning, and analyzing our mistakes often provides critical insights that success often can’t. We’ll explore how failure impacts both individuals … Continue reading “Trials Yielding Triumphs,” by Karina Jacques

“Engineering the Soul with Crayons,” by Bill Casey

Hegel’s philosophy can be described as the interplay of thesis, anti-thesis, and synthesis. Once we have decided when and where our energy is, we can arrange our architecture and radiate our forces outward… But forces will inevitably be met with counterforces. Here is how we can build architecture to come to the compromises that may … Continue reading “Engineering the Soul with Crayons,” by Bill Casey

“Get Rid of the Dead Weight,” by Rev. Michelle Freeman

Service video Rev. Michelle Freeman will preach about Mark 9:38-50. Jesus gives warnings using harsh words in the Gospel lesson from Mark. Jesus does not mean the words literally but metaphorically. The harsh language is meant to get our attention. The message is the same. What you do for the least of these, you do … Continue reading “Get Rid of the Dead Weight,” by Rev. Michelle Freeman

“The Road Less Traveled: Wielding the Tools of Discipline,” by Dr. Morgan Scott Peck

Service Video Life, even in 2022, can often be difficult.  The spiritual journey is one built on the pain of confronting difficult challenges.  In short, discipline is the practice of confronting spiritual challenges. But what exactly is self-discipline, and how can we actually apply it?  M. Scott Peck claims that there are four elements of … Continue reading “The Road Less Traveled: Wielding the Tools of Discipline,” by Dr. Morgan Scott Peck

“The Road Less Traveled: Discipline,” by Dr. Morgan Scott Peck

Service Video Life, even in 2021, can be difficult. The spiritual journey is one built on the pain of confronting difficult challenges. In short, discipline is the practice of confronting spiritual challenges. But what exactly is self-discipline, and how can we actually apply it? M. Scott Peck claims that there are four elements of discipline: … Continue reading “The Road Less Traveled: Discipline,” by Dr. Morgan Scott Peck

“A Course of Miracles and How it Relates to the UU Principles,” by Linda Van Voorhis

Service video Our principles are what guide us as UU’s. I have found many of the tenets of the Course in Miracles support the Principles in such a way that it has made my spiritual life easier to live. It has as well been a guide for understanding my own spiritual path and a direction … Continue reading “A Course of Miracles and How it Relates to the UU Principles,” by Linda Van Voorhis

“Angry, Irritated, Mad: Big Feelings or Bad Feelings?,” by Hannah Swartzel Rausch

Service video In what ways does the culture of positivity, or toxic positivity, contribute to our emotional regulation? Is anger a big, bad feeling or is there more to the emotional spectrum than catchy posters would have us believe? Hannah Swartzel Rausch is a Riverside native and current student at RCC studying art and art … Continue reading “Angry, Irritated, Mad: Big Feelings or Bad Feelings?,” by Hannah Swartzel Rausch