Gaza Crisis

UUA Statement
Read the Statement from the Unitarian Universalist Association on the Humanitarian Catastrophe in Gaza at This page also has links to past statements and a short history on the conflict.
Why We Cannot Turn Away

Last November, the UUA, along with the UU group Side With Love, held a webinar titled “Why We Cannot Turn Away” with great background info on the conflict. Watch the webinar and find more resources here:
Sunday Services at UUCR
- January 7, 2024 Peace Day: Dialogue Beyond the Destruction by Dr. Lee Greer
- February 4, 2024 Who’s Who in the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict by Alec Peck
Peace Sunday Panel Discussions
On the first Sunday of every month, after First Sunday Lunch, join us for a short, interfaith panel on peace. Watch previous discussions below.
If Americans Knew
If Americans Knew is a good resource for those wanting to learn more.
Legacy of the Enlightenment
Check out UUCR member, Dr. Lee Greer’s website, “Legacy of the Enlightenment” at
Eye on Palestine
For updates from the ground, check out the Eye on Palestine Telegram Group at
Electronic Intifada
Investigative journalism with a regular podcast may be found on the nearly quarter of a century old outlet with some very seasoned investigators:
Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor
There are frequent broad updates from the Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor:
“Save Gaza” Instagram
Check out the Save Gaza Instagram for information on local actions.
Ways to take action
WhatsApp group
This WhatsApp group has information on protests and events happening in and around Corona:
City of Riverside Ceasefire Resolution
On February 13 Clarissa Cervantes, Riverside City Councilmember for Ward 2, introduced a resolution to the city council to call for a ceasefire in Gaza. The resolution failed.
- Read the resolution put forth by the City Councilmember
- Watch the video of the City Council Meeting
Below is an outline of the discussion in the video, notice that public comment ran for 4 hours, so the first and last parts might be the most important to watch- The discussion about the resolution starts at about 33 minutes into the meeting
- At about 1 hour and 10 minutes into the meeting they get to public comments.
- 5 hours and 10 minutes into the meeting public comment concludes and the council discusses the resolution and then votes
During the meeting, Councilmember Hemenway stated that the issue was already being discussed at the Human Relations Commission on February 22 but it wasn’t on the commission’s agenda. Since it wasn’t on the agenda, many community members spoke during public comment at the Human Relations Commission asking them to put it on a future agenda, and commissioners asked staff to put a listing session on a future agenda. Watch the recording of that meeting here:
5 Calls
Call your representatives and ask them to demand a ceasefire in Gaza using 5 Calls at
UUs for Peace in the Middle East
The Unitarian Universalists for Peace in the Middle East are a great resource, they have put together an “Actions and Info” Google doc that has some great info on ways to act.