“Living with Purpose,” by Pastor Darryl Udell, Sr.
Pastor Udell will be speaking to us on living our lives today with purpose, in light of eternity.
Darryl Udell, Sr. has been married to his wife, Rita, since October 1984. They have 4 children together, and 6 grandchildren. He is a graduate of Community Bible Institute of California.
Darryl is the Senior Elder of Greater Works Praise & Worship Centre, and the Founder and Overseer of Agape Fellowship of Churches International, which is a cohesive network of churches and ministries that empower leaders and disciples to be more effective in their call and work of the Lord. He is also the Chief Executive Officer of the Greater Works House, Incorporated, which is a faith based non-profit community development corporation formed to provide services focusing on raising economic, education, and social levels of low-income residents and the un-housed.
Darryl believes in the holistic serving of society in which all is served spiritually, mentally, and socially. He has a passion in serving those on their way up, and teaming up with those who have the same passion. Darryl has provided spiritual insight and oversight to churches nationally, and internationally, including Africa, and the Caribbean. He has been given the tongue of the learned that he should know how to speak a word in season to him who is weary, restoring biblical patterns in their lives, so that the emergence of the corporate Son of God may emerge in the earth.
Pastor Udell will be speaking to us on living our lives today with purpose, in light of eternity.