Speaker: Leslie Mooring
Leslie is the human equivalent of the 100 emoji. She is most known for being a social justice bard, and is the Director of Music here at UUCR. To hone those skills, she is undergoing the Music Leadership Certification program offered by the AUUMM. She is frequently covered in glitter, dog hair, and Hot Cheeto dust.
What is a soul, and how could humans detect one in non-human animals? Perhaps the idea of a soul is far too human to ascribe to other beings. But we know that animals dream and have desires beyond mere survival. Inspired by The Soul of an Octopus by Sy Montgomery, we will look at the … Continue reading Do Cephalopods Dream of Electric Eels? A Meditation on the Soul
In a culture of “new year, new me,” we surround ourselves with new beginnings. But what happens when new beginnings begin to feel more like the same old starting point over and over again?
Come join us for a sing-along as we revisit some songs from our church’s history and maybe learn some new ones along the way. In this summer series, we’ve been exploring “women of faith,” but what does it look like when you’re a woman without faith? Where can you find stability and a refuge from … Continue reading Music is my Religion: Spirituality without Faith
May is Mental Health Awareness Month, but it is not enough to simply be aware that mental illnesses exist. They are invisible, and often silent, so those who live with them often go unnoticed, unaccounted for, unseen. In our beloved Universalist Unitarian community, we must share our stories — both of triumphs and failure — … Continue reading You Can’t Believe Everything You Think
Join us this Sunday for a Service full of Fellowship. This is our time to talk about the 3 essential areas of our Church-Home: Community, Worship, and Stewardship. This service will be filled with songs of Joy and Reflections of that Beloved Community.