Speaker: Kia Bordner

Kia Bordner is the granddaughter of Juan Crisostomo Renteria of the Tigua people of Ysleta del Sur; Maria Teresa Baca, whose nation has been lost to the generations; the Monteverdes of the Yaqui peoples; and the Meiers of Germany. She is the mother of three daughters, Elizabeth, Sarah, & Julia, and a son, Rile. Kia will be completing her first year of seminary at Meadville Theological School after the summer semester. She has recently returned from General Assembly, where she serves as the GA co-coordinator for DRUUMM (Diverse Revolutionary UU Multicultural Ministries). She also sits on the Council of the newly formed Ministers of Colour Chapter of the UU Ministerial Association. Kia co-facilitates anti-racism anti-oppression training weekends with ARE (Allies for Racial Equity). Her home congregation is the First UU of San Diego, where she is a worship associate and deeply involved in Family Ministry. (Also They/them/theirs)
Kia invites us to step into the spiritual apprehension of being a People of Faith. With song, guided meditation, poetry, prayer, & ritual, she & her son, Rile, remind us that even though sometimes we all “feel a long way from home,” and so alone, we need to remember that “it is time now that … Continue reading Stepping Into Our Spiritual Apprehension
Through music, prayer, poetry, and ritual, Kia asks us to consider the sacredness of our work as Unitarian Universalists. For are not “all the dreams, all the dares, all the sighs, all the prayers” ours? Can we not get through the struggles of this world by “trusting light will guide” and that we will be … Continue reading Are We Not a Holy People?