Speaker: Gregory C. Carrow-Boyd

Gregory C. Carrow-Boyd is a religious educator and seminarian who studies at Claremont School of Theology. He serves on the Board of Trustees of our Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). Also, professionally trained as a cook, Greg understands the importance of food in building community. Greg works as the Coordinator for More Than Sex-Ed, a Greater LA-based sexuality education collective that brings the UUA and United Church of Christ comprehensive sexuality education curriculum, Our Whole Lives, to schools, homeschool groups and the greater community.


The process of making space for others to claim and use authority is called empowerment. But all people have power whether or not they use it and can claim whether or not they are given the opportunity to exercise it. Gather this Sunday for an exploration of how we leverage power responsively together in spiritual … Continue reading Empowerment

Common Purpose

Returning to regular cycles of church life after a season apart invites us to clarify the values that bind us in community. By identifying a common purpose for the work we do in the world and the way we share in the sanctuary, we begin that clarification process. Join us for a service of naming … Continue reading Common Purpose